Friday 4 May 2012


We have followed theories such as Todorov's theory which is
  1. A state of equilibrium at the outset of the narrative
  2. A disruption of the equilibrium by some action
  3. A recognition that there has been a disruption
  4. An attempt to repair the disruption
  5. A reinstatement of equilibrium
We have followed this from the start of the storyline where the boy drowns in the lake and the sister is upset that she cannot help, but when they are in school this is disturbed again as her 'friends' wan to go back down to the lake and she still is mourning over her brothers death, this is then shown when a hooded figure down at the lake is identified and wants to get revenge. However we did not follow the last point as we want to leave the audience with a code of enigma, not knowing who the killer is.

Another theory that we followed was Charles Perry of industrialisation brought with its venerable members of society effected by the changes around them. W have used this in our trailer through the character of the sister of the boy who drowned not being able to move on and not excepting the fact its ok to go back down the lake.

We have also used Levi Strauss's theory of the definition of opposition structure. For example the sister loved her brother so now she is experiencing hate towards her friends for not helping him and also that she has been experiencing suffocation whilst her friends have been enjoying the freedom and not worrying about the boys death.

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