Thursday 3 May 2012

About the focus group

1/5/2012 We asked eight students, four boys and four girls between 15-24 which was our target audience for our trailer to come and watch our trailer so we could get feedback from the audience. However due to people not being able to make the focus group we had two boys and four girls between the age group of 15-18 to watch the trailer. Through out the focus group we asked the six students to fill out the questionnaire that consisted questions about the film. We then asked open questions about the film posters and magazine front covers that we made as well as having a general discussion about all three texts. 
   The results from the questionnaire and the discussion were generally positive. As 100% of the group said that the trailer was the genre horror, 90% of the group said that the target audience is for both genders which is also what we wanted to hear. Everyone out of the group stated the basic plot of the story and 80% of the group didn't know who the protagonist was. I believe that because the majority didn't know who the protagonist was they would go see the film because they stated that 'they want to know what happens' 'it was a great storyline' and 'it left me shaken' i believe that we had a positive feedback and it was an advantage to us as a team to see that our  package of the three text's had worked. 

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