Friday 4 May 2012


We have used a numerous amount of technologies through out the making of our promotion package, firstly we used the Internet to look into conventional horror and psychological thrillers, we specifically looked into how the trailer was constructed and the state of equilibrium.
We used a digital camera for the animatic which allowed us to see what the shots would look life before recording and experiment on what type of shot would look best e.g long shot, point of view shot, we also used the camera to take pictures for our posters and front covers.

We then used a camcorder and tri-pod to record the footage of the story, the tri-pod allowed us to keep the camera steady and to reach angles that we wouldnt of done ourselves
When recorded our footage we put it on Adobe Preimere elements which allowed the group to edit the shots to what length we wanted them to be at and to use special effects and transitions to make the trailer more realistic.

Another Adobe programme that we used was Adobe in Design, which allowed us to edit the pictures that we toke to transform them into posters and magazines.

We also used Blogger which allowed us to update our project as we went along

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