Friday 4 May 2012


Will- was the boy who drowned in the lake and was identified as a helpless victim and had been seen as a possible protagonist through out the film trailer haunting the lake.

Elyse (Sarah)- Is one of the main characters ans is known as the Villain however she can be seen as helpless as the pyscological side of her brothers death left her wanting seek revenge of her 'friends' emotionally, physically and intellectually for them being so heartless. We have focused on Sarah the main character so the audience can emphasise with her and maybe sympathise with her. We used this through the black and white effect as a 'flash black'.

Paige, (mum)- Another character that had a main leads the mum of the boy who drowned in the lake, we wanted the audience to also sympathise with the mother as well because she has lost her son, as the trailer goes in we see that she wont let her daughter go down to the lake on her own but it gives a code of enigma, why would she go down here? but is shows a close relationship between the family.

The Victims (Millie, Hannah, Ryan, Nia, Jess and others) - The victims try to be sympathetic and kind towards Sarah and ask her to join the party, we wanted the audience to have a love hate relationship between all of the characters as they all have split personalities. There are difference in the stregth of the characters some can be seen as weak 'go have a look' this emphasises they dont want to do it theirselves.

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