Friday 4 May 2012


The key themes of our trailer is
  • Death
  • Isolation
  • Revenge
  • Weakness
  • Past, Present, Future
From our film title it is sensed 'Asphyxiate' is ways of which victims are killed, which the meaning refers to drowning, suffering and strangling. This is identified from the beginning of the long shot of the drowning of the boy and is viewed as weakness as he cant swim to saftey.     
We have also based the story on the girl wanting revenge on the friends for not helping her brother, which is still a pyschological element that she stil wants to get revenge 5 years later, so she believes in order to make herself move on she must do this. Although we didnt want the audience knowing to much we wanted them to be left with a dofe of engima on who survives and who is the one getting revenge.
 I believe another big key issue is isolation in our trailer because it is conventional in horror trailers such as the trailers we have focused on 'Sorority row' this gives the audience a sense that the characters are in an uncomftable postion because they are vunerable to others when they are alone. We can see this from a close up in the trailer of Ryan being strangled shouting 'HELP' and nobody comes to help because he has been on his own, and also another phrase 'is anybody out there'

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