Friday 4 May 2012

Target Audience

We identified the target audience by using the actors who were roughly between the  age 15-20 who were both genders. However because we have used a complexed film title for our trailer we have widened the range of our audience to 15-24. I believe that this age range also like camping and working problems out intellectually.
   I believe our trailer appeals to the target audience by using characters roughly the same age as the actors so they can relate and emphasise with them. I also believe because there are mostly girls in the trailer they can relate more to the characters that they usually would in a stereotypical horror film.
  The target audience will recognise the genre of the film due to the soundtrack, non diegetic sounds such as 'boom' lighting, establishing shots such as the protagonist overviewing the party and vunerable shots of the victims.

The audience thought the setting  was appropriate as the location was a forest lake conventionally represents isolation, fear and darkness, as well as the water can represent calmness and it being an effect of characters death


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