Thursday 26 April 2012

My final draft of film poster and explanation


  • My poster focuses on the mise en scene and iconography most i believe this is a key issue to show where the location of the film and also because water is one of the main focus in the trailer
  • I have used the image of a blacked out figure standing by the lake to show hidden identity with a reflection of a shadow which references to a 'ghostly effect' floating on the water rising to the surface, I have also got a ripple effect in the water to suggest movement from below.
  • I have used a bold black and red title which the colours emphasise darkness and death and highlighted the word HATE because it relates to one the trailers themes.
  •  I have used conventions from other film posters such as a tag line, billing block and date. I have put the tag line just above the surface because it relates to the water and can relate to something coming above the surface.
  • I believe that my film poster follows the same conventions as 'friday the 13th' as there is figure of a person over viewing the lake. The mise en scene is roughly the same containing trees, and water.
  • The main images are both long shots with dark lighting to emphasising fear and isolation
  • From looking at 'friday the 13th' poster i have followed the same conventions such as the billing block and website

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