Monday 2 January 2012


Our group had a numerous problems with padding out a successful horror story, we had an original story of a 'haunted house' but when we came to taking pictures of the animatic the setting and the characters werent right.
  Then the group had a number of meetings during free periods to discuss what we should do to actually make a horror story successful. We looked at a number of previous horror trailers and came up with an idea of a doll like supernatural item haunting the house and the owner, we got ideas from films such as 'IT' 'Childs Play'. However as the group was writing out the plot we were running out of ideas to make this story work. So third time lucky we again, looked at more horror trailers but looked into to more specific trailers that had that 'reality' effect for example 'Friday the 13th' when a bunch of friends go camping and people start to go missing. 'Nightmare on Elm street' and 'burried'. The story finally started to pad out and we came up with a successful plot which allowed us to make the final storyboard so we could take pictures for the anamatic.

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