Monday 2 January 2012

The Final Plot Synopsis

In a small quiet village, there lies a lake, surrounded by a forest which goes by the name of Fisherman's Lake. A few years ago the lake was one of the village's main tourist attractions but all that soon changed after the death of a young boy named Eddie. It all happened back one summer when all the college kids came down to camp for the weekend at Fisherman's Lake.
One night the group of teenagers Eddie was with dared him to swim out into the lake, knowing he was a weak swimmer, Eddie tried to play it cool and swam out into the lake but as his feet left the ground, he couldn’t keep himself up out of the water. The group just watched and laughed at Eddie, thinking he was messing around until they watched him drown. Sarah screamed as she watched Eddie, her close friend struggle and was determined to help Eddie out of the lake but the rest of the group panicked and dragged her away. They promised to each other that they would never mention the event ever again as they all felt so guilty for his death.
   A month later Eddie's body was found in the lake and Eddie's mother was distraught, she did everything she could to try and stop people from visiting Fisherman's Lake and eventually she succeeded. Fisherman's Lake got shut off from the village and no one ever visited the place again.
Now on the anniversary of his death, Fisherman's Lake is reopened.  Sarah wanted to go camping as it was summer and wanted to spend the weekend at the lake with the girls, as they had such good memories there and didn’t want Eddie’s death stop her from going.

 Whilst there, strange events start to happen. Her friends keep on saying they do not feel comfortable and start to panic as they see figures running through trees and hear noises such as humming and rustles In the leaves they tell Sarah they just want to go home but Sarah can’t help but not listen and think her friend are just being stupid so she decides to take a walk to calm herself down. However on her return, she has found that some of the girls have started to go missing, and some of girls still at camp are left distraught as if they have seen uncomfortable events.  As Sarah s tries to discover where some of her friends have gone and what has happened to them she is confronted by an old friend and wants revenge on the friends that left him to die that night in the lake.  

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