Monday, 16 April 2012


Our group had a meeting for filming dates. There were a few problems as some of us didn't have the same frees so we had to look at our timetables and agree to certain dates and times, even if certain members of the group were absent we discussed what shots could be filmed with out needing as many people we did this because we needed to take advantage of the cameras use because there are only 2 cameras with 3 groups.

Times that we agreed on:
Wednesday 8th February - Filming in school
Thursday 9th February - Filming in school 
Tuesday 21st February - Filming in school/ filming at a house
Tuesday 28th February - Filming at location of lake
Wednesday 29th February - Filming at location of lake
Thursday  3rd March - Filming at location of lake
Sunday 11th March- Filming at location of a river
Wednesday 14th March- Filming at location of lake- Number of actors needed and props including tent, sign
Monday 19th March- Filming at location of lake

We followed these dates and where we were going to film well, however there were times when we had to cancel filming due to weather and because it was being to dark so we had to re-organsie dates. 

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